Word 2000 has a new
Online Collaboration feature that allows you to have discussion for a
Word document. There are 2 types of discussion: Inline and General.
There is a new item
"Online Collaboration" under the Tools menu. That is where you
can start the online discussion.
Screencam (1.62 MB) : to start online collaboration. After
choosing Online Collaboration, a discussion toolbar will appear at the
bottom of the screen, and a discussion panel will also appear. You can
choose to show or hide the discussion panel.
Screencam (487 KB) : showing/hiding discussion.
New Online Discussion
Features That May Be Useful for Instructional Uses
Inline Discussion
for a Document
Screencam (2.81 MB) : inserting inline discussion for a document.
Screencam (298 KB) : viewing inline discussion for a document.
Screencam (267 KB) : replying discussion.
General Discussion
for a Document
Screencam (1.67 MB) : inserting general discussion for a document.
Screencam (389 KB) : viewing general discussion for a document.
Filtering the Discussion
Screencam (764 KB) : filtering discussion threads.
Subscription to
a Document
Screencam (569 KB) : subscribing to a document.
Editing a Document
Online and Saving it Back to Server Directly
